I’m Celebrating My Scentiversary

Celebrating my Scentiversary

Eleven years ago today I said yes to Scentsy and it has definitely changed my life. Today I’m celebrating my Scentiversary and I couldn’t be happier!

When I started this business, I didn’t really know what I was getting into but I knew I wanted to make a little extra money. Thankfully I accomplished that pretty quickly and went on to build a successful business that made me a great paycheck. And if making money wasn’t enough, I discovered a community that I never knew I was missing but I’m so thankful to be a part of now. I can’t even imagine my life without this community at this point. The friendships I’ve made are amazing!

I'm Celebrating my Scentiversary - 11 years as a Scentsy Consultant.

In addition to the money and the community are the trips that can be earned. I have been able to travel all over the world thanks to Scentsy. I’ve earned an incentive every year that I’ve been a consultant and some years I was even able to earn two! Just a few of the places we’ve been are Hawaii, The Bahamas, Disney World, and even the Mediterranean to see Spain, France, and Italy!

If you’ve ever thought about doing something on the side, I highly recommend giving Scentsy a try. You never know – it might just change your life like it has mine! (We even have a special this month and it’s only $22 to get started!)

So today I’m celebrating my Scentiversary and celebrating the fact that I’ve made it 11 years in my business – and looking forward to many, many more!