Make extra money or a full-time income.
Starting a Scentsy business has never been easier or more rewarding! Whether your goal is just to make a little side income or make a living, it's entirely possible to do it with hard work and effort.
We will show you all you need to know and mentor you every step of the way in your journey. You never go it alone.
Earn once in a lifetime incentives and other awards.
Scentsy offers amazing annual incentives to include all expenses paid trips to incredible destinations, achievement awards, and other bonuses to consultants who earn them.
We will guide you in setting the proper goals and actions to help you earn these incentives. You can lean on us.
Discover new possibilities in life and business.
Becoming an Independent Scentsy Consultant will empower you to discover a world of opportunities in business success and personal achievements. The door is open if you are willing to walk through.
We will invest in your future success by coaching you and providing valuable resources. You are invited to join us.
Why start a Scentsy business?

Scentsy is a lot of fun.
One of the best reasons to start a Scentsy business is because it's a lot of fun. You will connect with Independent Scentsy Consultants from all walks of life from all over the world. It's a community you will love and enjoy!
A personal message from us.

Some people might tell you shouldn't start a Scentsy business for a variety of reasons. Maybe you will even have these same concerns yourself. This is completely understandable because no matter what business you decide to launch or whatever personal goal you set for yourself, there will always be some form of fear, uncertainty, or reservations. It was no different for us when we started selling Scentsy in 2011.
However, we made a decision to bet on ourselves for once and to work hard for our dreams. We've had to overcome many challenges as Independent Scentsy Consultants but we've achieved a level of success we didn't think was possible. And we're not even close to being done yet! Our online business has given us the freedom to travel and make a good living from our efforts. If we can do it, so can you.
While becoming a consultant might not be for you, it could very well be the business that changes your life. How will you ever know if you don't take the chance?
We invite you to connect with us to ask questions and learn more about launching your own Scentsy business. It won't cost you anything but some of your time ... and we won't harass you about signing up. We'll simply share our experience, and if you're interested, invite you to join us on this journey. The next step is up to you.
- Donetta and James Dalman
*When talking about income the FTC requires that we say “results not typical” and include and income disclosure statement.
Make extra money and earn free trips as a Scentsy Consultant.
If you'd like to make some extra money or earn free trips, you can do it by starting your own Scentsy business from home or while traveling full-time. And we'll teach you how to do it! Reach out to us today to talk about the possibilities.