Online Scentsy Party

Have some fun. Earn free stuff. I do all the work.

Hosting an online Scentsy party is a GREAT way to earn free products you love! It's all done via text and sharing a link so you don't even have to leave your house -- or get out of your pajamas!

I will do all the work for you. I set up the shopping link and all you have to do is text a few great friends, family, and/or co-workers and that's about it. It's that easy! Orders ship right to the customer after they order so there's nothing to do except collect your rewards as a thank you for sharing!

It's absolutely free and there are no strings attached.

Doing a text party with an online shopping link is free to do and you aren't required to buy any products or sign up for anything. There's no pressure for you to sell and it's all a very chill experience.

I will take care of everything for you and if people order from your party, you're gonna earn some really cool stuff for sharing!

Book your online party today.

Right now is an incredible time to host an online party! eCommerce shopping has exploded since the pandemic and people love Scentsy products -- so much that some items sell out quickly!

Getting started is easy. All you have to do is contact me and let me know you're interested.

How does the process work?

Schedule a party

Contact me to choose a day to start your shopping link and I'll put it on the calendar.

Text some people

Text 10-12 of your awesome friends or family with your shopping link.

Sit back and relax

Once your texts are out, sit back and wait for orders to come in for your party!

Check in with your friends

Check in after a few days to see if anyone has questions about anything. (I'll send a message to you to help with this.)

Text that the party is closing up

Send a message one more time to see if anyone has questions or needs help placing an order. (I will message you a template you can use when it's time if you'd like.)

Enjoy your free gifts

Receive your free awesome Scentsy gifts once the party is closed.

Ready to earn your own FREE Scentsy products?

James and I will help you launch your own online Scentsy party. It's super easy! Just text or call us and we'll take it from there.

Call us or text us.